Saturday, October 9, 2010

Art Under the Stars - The Annual Maitland Rotary Art Festival

Autumn is here bringing cooler weather, less humidity and Art Under the Stars, the Annual Maitland Rotary Art Festival at Lake Lily.
The annual event, now in it's 34th year, brings artists from all over the United States to exhibit, sell and compete for $20,000 worth of prizes awarded by a panel of three judges.  This years show featured the works of 139 artists, done in a variety of media including, Fine Crafts, Graphics/Drawing, Jewelry & Metalwork, Mixed Media, Oils & Acrylics, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture and Watercolor. An array of exciting artworks captured the imagination in the tent lined show.
The Artist tents lined the walkway that wound around Lake Lily and gave event goers an opportunity to see several spectacular delights in the works themselves and to also enjoy a beautiful fall day or evening with the fountain, turtles and birds of Lake Lily as a backdrop.
As I wandered around the lake, the vibrant acrylics of Edward Sanderson grabbed my eye with his use of bright oranges, reds and blues in his Florida landscape images.  Sanderson, from Clermont Florida, is a Contemporary Impressionist painter who uses bright colors to portray buildings and trees in everyday urban landscapes.
A bit further down were the hand carved assortment of boxes done in aged hardwoods such as mahogany and cocobolo and stacked boxes carved from maple and walnut. The artist, Greg Thomas-Moore from Deltona Florida, many times uses spalted woods because of their natural beauty. The spalting, characterized by black lines that run through the wood and create unique patterns, is caused by fungi that have begun to age and decay the wood. To view each piece and understand not only the aging process in nature, but the mastery of each hand carving was amazing.
In the background the guitar music of two performers on the North Stage faded into the sounds of the crowd and people talking and soon turned to the melodic voices of a singing trio performing on the South Stage.  Culture, beauty and art were everywhere and families, young and old were out to enjoy it all.  The smell of chicken, hot dogs and pizza emanated from the food vendors and I saw several people with ice cream as well.
Art Under the Stars is an annual tradition for The Rotary Club of Maitland, the people and artists and not only provides a venue for professional artists to display and sell their works, but also gives the Rotary Club of Maitland an opportunity to enhance the community with a fun cultural event.  An event where live music can be enjoyed,  and where the works of Seminole and Orange County Elementary, Middle and High school students can be seen on display at the Civic Center building, near the venue entrance.
The event lasts for three days, this year October 1st, 2nd and 3rd and is free for the public to enjoy. I hope that you can come out to support the community and the arts and attend future events whose dates will be posted here.
For more information on the Maitland Rotary Art Festival please
For more information on Edward Sanderson please contact
For more information on Greg Thomas-Moore and his business, The Little Wooden Box Company, please contact

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